Advertising Enquiries

There are many advertising spaces available on the various pages of this website / portal:

1.   Home / Index (Landing) page

a.   Main Banner Advertisements (Up to 5 advertisement spaces on a slider)

b.   Featured Advertisement Spaces (8 square-shaped advertisement spaces in a right hand side column)

2.   Search page

a.   Main Banner Advertisements (Up to 5 advertisement spaces on a slider)

b.   Advertisement Spaces (5 rectangular-shaped advertisement spaces below Main Banner Advertisements)

3.   Singapore page

a.   Main Banner Advertisements (Up to 5 advertisement spaces on a slider)

b.   Advertisement Spaces (5 rectangular-shaped advertisement spaces below Main Banner Advertisements)

Suitable for advertisers who would like to reach out Singapore customers of products and services.

4.   Consumer Products and Services - Singapore / Consumer Electronics - Singapore / Fashion and Accessories - Singapore / Food and Beverages - Singapore / Medical, Health and Beauty - Singapore / Household and Property - Singapore / Education and Learning - Singapore / Automotive and Transport - Singapore / Business and Services / Industries - Singapore pages

a.   Main Banner Advertisements (Up to 5 advertisement spaces on a slider)

b.   Advertisement Spaces (5 rectangular-shaped advertisement spaces below Main Banner Advertisements)

(Important Note: The above pages are only accessed by visitors through the Singapore page)

Suitable for advertisers who would like to reach out specifically Singapore customers of products and services in the respective product and service categories / industries.

5.   Other Countries page

a.   Main Banner Advertisements (Up to 5 advertisement spaces on a slider)

b.   Advertisement Spaces (5 rectangular-shaped advertisement spaces below Main Banner Advertisements)

6.   Consumer Products and Services - Other countries / Consumer Electronics - Other countries / Fashion and Accessories - Other countries / Food and Beverages - Other countries / Medical, Health and Beauty - Other countries / Household and Property - Other countries / Education and Learning - Other countries / Automotive and Transport - Other countries / Business and Services / Industries - Other countries pages

a.   Main Banner Advertisements (Up to 5 advertisement spaces on a slider)

b.   Advertisement Spaces (5 rectangular-shaped advertisement spaces below Main Banner Advertisements)

(Important Note: The above pages are only accessed by visitors through the Other Countries page)

Advertisers can purchase advertisement spaces for as short as on a monthly basis. We offer advertisers a more attractive package rate for advertisers who buy advertisement spaces on:

- more than one page; and / or
- more than on a monthly basis.

If you would like to advertise on to reach out to visitors to this website / portal, please use the click on the link below to go to Contact Form to contact us and our team will contact you as soon as possible.

Contact Us is an internet portal of All Internet Portals Pte. Ltd.

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For advertising enquiries on, click here to go to Contact Form on our corporate website to contact / mail us.