About Us

All Internet Portals Pte. Ltd. is involved in the design, development and marketing of software, websites, internet portals and mobile applications.  Formed in 2016, All Internet Portals Pte. Ltd. brings together a (still expanding) team of experienced investors, professionals, programmers / coders / web designers and marketers.

Our first two internet portals and its services seek to assist businesses and companies (including and especially small- and medium-sized businesses and companies) to have online presences and own business / company websites at very attractive prices.

We aim especially to assist small- and medium-sized businesses and companies (whether registered businesses / companies, non-registered businesses, home-based businesses, freelance business individuals, etc) to take the initial step onto the internet without having to pay high prices for online presences and business / corporate websites.

Our key business focus is in:

1. internet portals, e-commerce sites and mobile applications.

2. business / corporate website design (including content writing).

Internet Portals


Business / Company Website Design

The business / company websites available at / through AllBusinessHub.com and AllDistrictsHub.com are based on relatively standard designs, although they allow certain degrees of flexibility. 

However, if they do not fit your intended business / company website’s needs and requirements, we offer website design service for business / company website at higher prices than that of AllBusinessHub.com and AllDistrictsHub.com.


AllBusinessHub.com is a BUSINESS portal for business / company listings by businesses / companies which can be registered businesses / companies, non-registered businesses, home-based businesses, freelance business individuals, etc.

For consumers / businesses / companies who are buyers of products / services

You will be able to search by Business Name, Street Name, District, Product / Service Category and Sub-Category, etc.  We make it easy for you to find out more information about business / companies in an easily readable format - even for the non-tech savvy people.

For businesses / companies who would like to list on this portal and / or have your own business / company website with separate domain name

We make it easy for you to input text / upload images which will then be displayed on this portal – AllBusinessHub.com.  Visitors to AllBusinessHub.com will find the information regarding your business / company on display easy to read / find.

If you also subscribe to our service of creating your own business / company website with separate domain name, you ONLY have to input your text / upload images ONCE and your text / images will be displayed on your Listing page on AllBusinessHub.com as well as your own business / company website with a separate domain name that you have selected / purchased.

For example, if your business / company is ABC Company Pte Ltd, you can have domain name for your business / company website like www.abccompany.com and not www.allbusinesshub.com/abccompany or www.abccompany.allbusinesshub.com  (what is commonly known as 2nd level domain name).

Why do you (business / company) need to have your own business / company website with separate domain name?

By having your own business / company website, your customers, potential customers or visitors can go to your business / company website by directly keying your website domain name (URL) to find out more about your business / company, its products and services, etc.

To let your customers, potential customers or visitors know of your business / company website and domain name (URL), you can do the following:

Offline methods:

List / advertise your website domain name on your physical shopfront and / or signage.

List / advertise your website domain name in your name cards, flyers and / or other marketing materials.

List / advertise your website domain name in other offline media.

Online methods:

Listing(s) on AllBusinessHub.com.

Advertising space(s) on AllBusinessHub.com.

We know of many businesses / companies who have gained more customers simply by having an online presence and / or having a business / company website that simply list information about their business / company, products and services.

As more traditional offline businesses / companies go online by having their own websites, your business / company, out of competitive necessity and / or advantage, also have to have your own business / company website to at least be on par (if not better) and to compete with your competitors as well as to gain more customers through the internet, for example, having listing(s) on AllBusinessHub.com and your own website.

Having your own business / company website should be viewed as a first step in getting an online presence.  After this initial step, you may want to have e-commerce function(s) / site in order for your customers to purchase, book and / or reserve your business / company products and services online.

We now provide you with an attractively priced, simple and user-friendly way to have an online presence.

Through this service of AllBusinessHub.com, you / your business / company can have your own business / company website with domain name of your own choice at a very attractive price compared to prices offered by other website designers / developers.

(Important Note:

Some website designers / developers:

- charge a lower upfront price to create a website but charge you more per time you need to update certain portion(s) of your website later.

- be unresponsive or even no longer around when you need to update your website later.  At such instances, you may need to pay again to get another website designer / developer to create a new website.

With us, you just have to pay an attractively-priced annual fee and update your own website with our easy-to-use content management system to input / update your text / images.)

By offering such attractive price for businesses / companies to have your business / company websites, we genuinely hope that you (our subscribers / buyers of this service) will be able to get more enquiries and gain more customers through your website.

We also hope that, having achieve success with your website in the near future, you will remember us and continue to partner with us to help you move deeper beyond just having an online presence and proceed to have e-commerce functions / site(s) so that your customers can purchase your business / company products and services online.

Please go to www.AllBusinessHub.com to find out more on:

- how we can help you gain visibility or an online / internet presence (especially if you are a small and medium business / company, a home-based business or a freelance business individual) for FREE or at a very attractive subscription / price package.

- about our unique features which allow you to have your own business / company website with separate domain name at a very attractive price.  One of our unique features is we provide you FLEXIBILITY in creating a business website that looks different from even other websites created through this portal / website.

- many advertising spaces (banner advertisement sliders, static banners and spaces) and Featured advertisement spaces available on the various pages of this website / portal.


AllDistrictsHub.com is a DISTRICTS portal for business / company listings by businesses / companies which can be registered businesses / companies, non-registered businesses, home-based businesses, freelance business individuals, etc).

For consumers / businesses / companies who are buyers of products / services

You will be able to search by Business Name, DISTRICT, Street Name, Product / Service Category and Sub-Category, etc.  For example, if you are in a certain location and would like to know what are the businesses / companies / shops nearby AND / OR OFFERS that are available, we make it easier for you to find them.  We make it easy for you to find out more information about business / companies in an easily readable format - even for the non-tech savvy people.

For businesses / companies who would like to list on this portal and / or have your own business / company website with separate domain name

We make it easy for you to input text / upload images which will then be displayed on this portal – AllDistrictsHub.com.  Visitors to AllDistrictsHub.com will find the information regarding your business / company on display easy to read / find.

If you also subscribe to our service of creating your own business / company website with separate domain name, you ONLY have to input your text / upload images ONCE and your text / images will be displayed on your Listing page on AllDistrictsHub.com as well as your own business / company website with a separate domain name that you have selected / purchased.

For example, if your business / company is ABC Company Pte Ltd, you can have domain name for your business / company website like www.abccompany.com and not www.alldistrictshub.com/abccompany or www.abccompany.alldistrictshub.com (what is commonly known as 2nd level domain name).

Why do you (business / company) need to have your own business / company website with separate domain name?

By having your own business / company website, your customers, potential customers or visitors can go to your business / company website by directly keying your website domain name (URL) to find out more about your business / company, its products and services, etc.

To let your customers, potential customers or visitors know of your business / company website and domain name (URL), you can do the following:

Offline methods:

List / advertise your website domain name on your physical shopfront and / or signage.

List / advertise your website domain name in your name cards, flyers and / or other marketing materials.

List / advertise your website domain name in other offline media.

Online methods:

Listing(s) on AllDistrictsHub.com.

Advertising space(s) on AllDistrictsHub.com.

We know of many businesses / companies who have gained more customers simply by having an online presence and / or having a business / company website that simply list information about their business / company, products and services.

As more traditional offline businesses / companies go online by having their own websites, your business / company, out of competitive necessity and / or advantage, also have to have your own business / company website to at least be on par (if not better) and to compete with your competitors as well as to gain more customers through the internet, for example, having listing(s) on AllDistrictsHub.com and your own website.

Having your own business / company website should be viewed as a first step in getting an online presence.  After this initial step, you may want to have e-commerce function(s) / site in order for your customers to purchase, book and / or reserve your business / company products and services online.

We now provide you with an attractively priced, simple and user-friendly way to have an online presence.

Through this service of AllDistrictsHub.com, you / your business / company can have your own business / company website with domain name of your own choice at a very attractive price compared to prices offered by other website designers / developers.

(Important Note:

Some website designers / developers:

- charge a lower upfront price to create a website but charge you more per time you need to update certain portion(s) of your website later.

- be unresponsive or even no longer around when you need to update your website later.  At such instances, you may need to pay again to get another website designer / developer to create a new website.

With us, you just have to pay an attractively-priced annual fee and update your own website with our easy-to-use content management system to input / update your text / images.)

By offering such attractive price for businesses / companies to have your business / company websites, we genuinely hope that you (our subscribers / buyers of this service) will be able to get more enquiries and gain more customers through your website.

We also hope that, having achieve success with your website in the near future, you will remember us and continue to partner with us to help you move deeper beyond just having an online presence and proceed to have e-commerce functions / site(s) so that your customers can purchase your business / company products and services online.

Please go to www.AllDistrictsHub.com to find out more on:

- how we can help you gain visibility or an online / internet presence (especially if you are a small and medium business / company, a home-based business or freelance business individual) for FREE or at a very attractive subscription / price package.

- about our unique features which allow you to have your own business / company website (with separate domain name) at a very attractive price.  One of our unique features is we provide you FLEXIBILITY in creating a business website that look different from even other websites created through this portal / website.

- many advertising spaces (banner advertisement sliders, static banners and spaces) and Featured advertisement spaces available on the various pages of this website / portal.


AllTuitionHub.com is a portal for education industry in Singapore. We aim to be a portal of choice for parents / students to search for Private / Home Tutors, Education / Tuition Centres and Student Care Centres.

For parents / students searching for private / home tutor

We seek to do things differently from many other tuition portals / agencies. Instead of a website / portal administrator doing the matching between students and private tutors, you (parents / students) will have to do your own search (with our easy-to-use Search function) and contact or email your preferred / “shortlisted” private tutors using the Contact Form on the respective Private Tutor listing page(s).

This way, you will have more transparency and able to do your own shortlisting instead of someone else (website / portal administrator) doing it for you for which you will have no clarity / transparency how the matching is done. Arising from this aspect of this portal, we do not charge private tutor a commission / fee for a successful match. Hopefully, this will encourage private tutors to pass any cost saving (from commission / fee usually paid to tuition portals / agencies) to you.

We charge private / home tutors a small annual listing fee as opposed to a commission / fee for each successful match.

In the Private Tutor listing page, each tutor has indicated a preferred time to call him / her for enquiry, we ask that you respect his / her (tutor) preferred time as he / she may be in the midst of tuition sessions outside the preferred time that he / she has indicated.

For parents / students who STILL WANT website / portal Administrator to do matching

If you (parents / students) STILL WANT our staff (website / portal Administrator) to do the matching between student and tutors listed on AllTuitionHub.com, we can / will still do so for a non-refundable Administrative Fee of $50 payable upfront (by parents / students).

Some of the key terms and conditions of this (alternative) service of website / portal Administrator to do matching include:

1. Administrative Fee is based on a single student assignment basis (defined as per subject per level basis).  For example, English Secondary One and NOT All Subjects Secondary One or English Secondary One to Four, etc.

2. Website / portal Administrator will use REASONABLE effort and within REASONABLE time frame to do matching between parent / student and tutor(s) listed on AllTuitionHub.com.

3. A successful match (and administrative fee is fully earned and therefore no claims shall be made by parent and / or student thereafter) is defined when parent (acting for his / her child) or student agrees to attend first lesson by tutor.

4. If you have paid the abovementioned administrative fee for us to do the matching, you agree that you will not subsequently or in the meantime do your own search on AllTuitionHub.com and thus circumvent our administrator’s work / effort.

For parents / students searching for education / tuition centres and / or student care centres

For education / tuition centres, you can easily search by centre name, district and / or street name (where the centres are located in) and / or subjects, levels (lower primary, upper primary, etc), etc.

For student care centres, you can easily search by centre name, district and / or street name (where the centres are located in), etc.

For private tutors, education / tuition centres AND student care centres who would like to list on this website / portal

We make it easy for you (Private / Home Tutors, Education / Tuition Centres and Student Care Centres) to input text / upload images which will then be displayed on your Tutor or Centre Listing page(s) and / or Lesson or Class Listing page(s) on AllTuitionHub.com.  Visitors to this portal will find the information easy to read.

In addition, there are many advertising spaces (banner advertisement sliders, static banners and spaces) and Featured advertisement spaces available on the various pages of this portal.


AllFreelanceHub.com is a portal, recently-launched, to FIND and POST listings on freelancers, freelance products and services, part-time, temporary and ad-hoc jobs and work.

For people who are seeking for freelancers OR freelance products and / or services OR part-time, temporary and / or ad-hoc staff or workers

You will be able to search by Business Name, District, Product / Service Category and Sub-Category, etc.  We make it easy for you to find out more information about freelancers OR freelance products and / or services OR part-time, temporary and / or ad-hoc staff or workers in an easily readable format.

For Freelancers OR Freelance providers of products and / or services OR part-time, temporary and / or ad-hoc jobbers or workers who would like to list on this portal

We make it easy for you to input text / upload images which will then be displayed on this portal – AllFreelanceHub.com.  Visitors to AllFreelanceHub.com will find the information regarding you and / or your business on display easy to read / find.

In addition, there are many advertising spaces (banner advertisement sliders, static banners and spaces) and Featured advertisement spaces available on the various pages of this portal.


AllPersonalWebsites.com is a portal, recently-launched, for personal web-listings / blogs about individuals where:

• An individual like you can create and have your own "ready-made" personal web-listing / blog simply by inputting text and upload images through an easy-to-use content management system (CMS).

Except for the prohibition of posting contents with sexual, illegal and / or inappropriate content, etc, you have the flexibility to post any content about yourself, your family / relatives and / or people you know, and events, activities, happenings and contents you like that you would like (the world at large to know).

You can also get a personal website / blog with a separate domain name for a small annual fee.  Thus, you need not spend much time, effort and / or money to create your own personal website / blog through market available "free" website builders which may not be so user-friendly to create a website.

• If your friends or people you know have personal web-listings / websites / blogs through this portal, you can find their personal web-listings / websites / blogs  either within this portal AND / OR go directly to their personal websites / blogs if their websites / blogs have separate domain names.

A personal website / blog, as opposed to other social media, will allow you to post more details about yourself, etc in a more orderly and readable format or layout.  It can be used to complement or supplement your accounts on other social media.

If you are a business / company looking to create a business / company listing and / or business / company website, please go to our sister portals - AllBusinessHub.com and / or AllDistrictsHub.com.

How it works?

If you also subscribe to our service of creating your own personal website / blog with separate domain name, you ONLY have to input your text / upload images ONCE and your text / images will be displayed on your personal Listing page on AllPersonalWebsites.com as well as your own personal website / blog with a separate domain name that you have selected / purchased.

For example, if your name is Angela Ng, you can have domain name for your personal website / blog like www.AngelaNg.com (subject to the domain name not already purchased by others) and not www.AllPersonalWebsites.com/AngelaNg.php or www.AngelaNg.AllPersonalWebsites.com  (what is commonly known as 2nd level domain name).

Please go to www.AllPersonalWebsites.com to find out more on:

- how we can help you have an online / internet presence with a personal listing page on www.AllPersonalWebsites.com and / or personal website / blog for FREE or at a very attractive subscription / price package.

- about our unique features which allow you to have your own personal website / blog with separate domain name at a very attractive price.  One of our unique features is we provide you FLEXIBILITY in creating a personal website / blog that looks different from even other websites created through this portal / website.

- many advertising spaces (banner advertisement sliders, static banners and spaces) and Featured advertisement spaces available on the various pages of this website / portal.

Website Design

If the business / company website designs available in / through either AllBusinessHub.com and AllDistrictsHub.com do not fit your intended business / company website’s needs and requirements, we offer website design service for business / company websites at higher prices than AllBusinessHub.com and AllDistrictsHub.com.

You can take our own company website seen here as a sample of what we can do for you / your company / business:

a. 5-pages website (information business / company website WITHOUT e-commerce function / component).

b. Desktop version or mobile version or both versions.

c. No content writing (customers have to send / provide their own content (text / images) for us to insert into website).

d. One free edit / update to your  website after your website goes online / live.  For further edit / update thereafter, we will charge an additional fee per edit / update.

Please use Contact Form on Contact Us section to let us know your specific requirements and we would be more than glad to provide you a quotation.

Content Writing

As part of our service to assist small- and medium-sized businesses / companies to have online presences with our portals and business / company websites, we provide simple content writing in English (price starts from as low as $50) for your Listings on our portals and your business / company websites purchased through us.


Contact Us

Contact Form

Use this Contact Form to email this Business / Company. All fields need to be filled in before you can submit. When your form has been succesfully submitted, a message will appear.